Friday, June 27, 2008

AG Summer Institute Thank You Letter

The Macon County Board of Education allowed us to participate in an AG Summer Institute program. I really had a lot of fun. We really learned a lot. They provided us with jumpdrives, and many supplies. They were very helpful. The jump drives will be very useful to me in the future. I really think that the Board of Education should have this again next summer. This would really help AG kids in the future. They need to keep Ms. Anne Powell and Mr. John DeVille as the instructors for this institute. They have a really good thing going here. They should stick to doing this each and every year. At first I did not want to come, but when I came on the first day, I had a lot of fun. I hope that more students will come to this thing next year. They will have as much fun as I did. Ms. Powell and Mr. DeVille are wonderful teachers. They deserve to be the instructors next year. This was a wonderful experience for me.

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